

Midwife Practice InTeam is a practice where every (future) family is welcome for prenatal and postnatal care, health promotion, emotional and psychological support in the process towards parenthood.

We accompany the family, so that the parents and the baby, 'InTeam', make it their own positive experience.
In a climate of mutual trust and respect, ‘InTeam” wants to work with you to have a smooth pregnancy and a positive postnatal experience. Together we strive for customized solutions the family feels comfortable with. Of course, "InTeam” also work closely with other health care providers in the primary and secondary care, such as doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists, paediatricians, gynaecologists, psychologists ... always in consultation with you.

Good Practice Logo

As you probably know, the length of stay in the hospital has been shortened after childbirth. On average, mothers and their babies leave the maternity ward around the third day after birth. The Flemish Association of Midwives has developed recommendations to optimise the handover of care after discharge from the maternity ward and to ensure that the midwife provides high quality care at home. These recommendations are the result of close cooperation with the Flemish gynaecologists (VVOG), the Flemish Paediatricians (VVK), Kind en Gezin and the Expertisecentra Kraamzorg. As such we all work together for better care. 

Our Midwife Practice ‘InTeam’ - committed to implement these recommendations - obtained the Good Practice logo in 2016.


Midwife Practice InTeam stands ready to assist (future) parents during and after pregnancy. A selection of activities:
  • Prenatal follow-up
  • Prenatal preparation
  • Pregnancy workshops
  • Postnatal visits and consultations
  • Breastfeeding follow-up and support
  • Mother groups and baby massage
  • First aid course for babies and infants


Are you pregnant or have recently given birth? Do you need help with your breastfeeding? Do you need support in parenting? Are interested in any of the workshops or activities?

For an appointment or more information, contact us via or 0498 48 11 02.

Fast follow-up is often important. A home visit is always possible within 24 hours. We are available 24/7. For a quick appointment you better contact us via telephone 0498 48 11 02.

Practice address

The prenatal consultations take place on appointment in the practice, Waversesteenweg 51A, 1560 Hoeilaart. Prenatal consultations can be done at home if requested. 

After delivery (postnatal follow-up) we recommend home visits. Only if the baby is already older, a consultation can be planned at our practice. 

Workshops take place at various locations in the region.

Guarantee of Care

Tailored medical prenatal follow-up and/or health promotion if needed.
Daily follow-up at home (incl. Weekends / holidays) until the fifth day after birth. A first home visit after the delivery is scheduled within the next 24 hours after returning home. Possibility for follow-up until one year after birth, depending on the need.
24/7 permanence and availability (phone or email) with any questions or concerns, both prenatally and postnatally.
Availability of 'first aid' material for breastfeeding problems, if a pharmacy is not readily available.


From 1st January 2025 on:

The midwives of midwifery practice InTeam are not conventioned. If you have Belgian mutuality, 75% of the rate set by the RIZIV will be charged and settled directly with your mutuality. If you do not have Belgian mutuality, you will receive a certificate for requesting reimbursement from your private insurance, if any. In addition to the amount (75%) reimbursed by the Belgian mutuality, a 25% co-payment and a supplement will be charged. This is to be paid by the patient. If you have an hospitalization insurance, this extra cost can be reimbursed within the reimbursed period. You will receive a monthly overview and invoice of the charged nomenclature numbers, co-payment and supplement.

Prices can be consulted here.

If you are in financial difficulty or entitled to an increased allowance, the above arrangement will of course be deviated from. Be sure to discuss this with the midwife.

Prices, remunerations and supplements are adjusted based on changes in the RIZIV nomenclature. These can be consulted on the website

All additional charges are settled by invoice, per month. So you do not need to bring or have cash in your house.


Caregivers have to comply with certain obligations under the framework of enlightened processing of personal data. Through informed consent you will be informed about the processing of your data. More information and the legal framework can be read in the document  'Care Guarantee Midwifery practice InTeam Vrowenpraktijk’.
Joke Muyldermans
Waversesteenweg 51A
1560 Hoeilaart
0498 48 11 02