
Joke Muyldermans

Midwife - IBCLC lactation consultant

Joke Muyldermans graduated in 2006 as a midwife at the Erasmus University College Brussels. Afterwards, she obtained a Master of Nursing and Midwifery. In both studies, she gained experience in Senegal, Gambia and Rwanda, as part of her training and development aid. 

After eight years of working in the primary health care association “De Bakermat” Joke started her own midwifery practice in 2015 in the “region of the grapes” and Brussels South. During the many years of experience her passion for home care and breastfeeding only continued increasing.

Continuous training and development are obviously important to reinforce this passion. In 2011 Joke graduated as IBCLC lactation consultant (examination organized by the International Board of Certified Lactation Consultants). In June 2015, she received the certificate "Specialized Applied Pharmacology"  to be able to prescribe certain medications.

Other work experience

Since 2010 Joke is the chief editor of the “Tijdschrift voor Vroedvrouwen”, a professional journal published by the Flemish Association of Midwives. An ideal job to always stay informed about new insights and research updates.
Since 2012 Joke is also working as a teacher at the Midwifery Erasmus University College Brussels. An ideal way to provide knowledge and experience to future colleagues.
From 2014 to 2018 Joke was the president of the Flemish Association of Midwives. An ideal position to defend the interests of the midwife, so that all mothers and babies can make use of midwifery care. In 2018 she passed the presidency, but she is still active as treasurer and member of the executive board. 
From 2020 to 2024, Joke was a board member and secretary of the European Alliance of Lactation Consultants (ELACTA). 

In 2020, Joke started as a researcher at the Department of Pharmacology at the Free University of Brussels. Here, as part of a PhD, she is researching infectious diseases during breastfeeding, such as masitis and candidiasis. The part on COVID-19 vaccination has already been completed.


Behind every man stands a strong woman, but the reverse is certainly true. Joke is married to Nicolas and together they have four children: Luca (2010), Estelle (2012), Gaëlle (2014) and Axelle (2016). Being a mother yourself does not make you so much a better midwife, but a different caregiver. It is certainly an asset to experience how wonderful and needed quality care is. 
Joke Muyldermans
Waversesteenweg 51A
1560 Hoeilaart
0498 48 11 02