
Lectures and workshops for professionals

I am Joke Muyldermans, midwife, MSc, lactation consultant IBCLC and researcher. I provide lectures and workshops to healthcare providers, such as midwives, lactation consultants, doctors, pharmacists and physiotherapists. The focus of these lectures is on the transfer of knowledge, practical skills and scientific evidence, with the focus or antenatal, postnatal care, lactation and breastfeeding.

How do we proceed?

After a request for a lecture or workshop comes in, we will review the requirements together. We go over the requested topic, who the participants are, how many participants, whether there is a preference of lecture or workshop, what the learning objectives are and how much time is provided. Based on this, I will develop a proposal themes and structure.

What themes are offered?

I already have a lot of experience in lectures and workshops for different professions, especially in the field of postpartum and breastfeeding.

Nipple and breast problems

COVID-vaccination during breastfeeding

Candidiasis during breastfeeding

Mastitis spectrum

Breastfeeding aids

Suction technique and problems in the newborn

Who is Joke?

I am a midwife, MSc, and lactation consultant IBCLC. I have been working in primary care since 2007. I started my career at Expertise Centre and midwifery practice De Bakermat. In 2015, I founded my own thriving practice InTeam. 

I have teaching experience at Erasmushogeschool Brussel and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I am also working on a PhD at VUB focusing on the treatment of breastfeeding-related problems.  I regularly speak at national and international conferences.

In addition, I work as editor-in-chief of the Flemish Journal of Midwives and am a board member of the Flemish Professional Association of Midwives (VB0V) and European Lactation Consultants Alliance (ELACTA).

Want to see Joke at work?


Workshop: milk feeding after discharge from hospital (Dutch)

Medicourse, Gent

Workshop: How to maintain a WHO-code proof relation with formula companies? (English)

Medicourse, Gent

Lecture: Breastfeeding or artificial feeding: a feeding choice with respect for each other (Dutch))

Medicourse, Gent

Workshop: Breastfeeding and work

Medicourse, Gent

Lezing: borstvoedingsproblemen in de eerste lijn. borstontsteking, spruw, vaatkramp en tepelbehandeling bij kloven. Hoe herkennen en wat kan je adviseren?

Apothekersbond, Gent

Past lectures

Drinkgedrag en borstvoedingsbeleid bij randpremature baby's
Helix groep, Universiteit Antwerpen
Gewichtsverlies bij de pasgeborene
Helix groep, Universiteit Antwerpen
Mastitis protocol, wat is er nieuw
Artesis Plantijn, Antwerpen
Problemen in het postpartum en bij borstvoeding, beleid en materialen voor de apotheek
Apothekersbonden KAVA, KOVAG, KLAV, BAF
Update adviezen bij Mastitis-spectrum (lezing), Avondsymposium Geïntegreerde perinatale zorg
PerPLEX netwerk
Panel discussion, breastfeeding and working experience
International IBCLE
COVID-19 vaccination during lactation, the COVALAC-study
International Confederation of Midwives conference, Bali, Indonesia
Netwerking: hoe je professioneel netwerk opbouwen en onderhouden
Eerstelijnscongres, Erasmushogeschool Brussel
Diagnosis and treatment of candidiasis in the breastfeeding dyad
ELACTA CERPS international, Malta
Tepelproblemen, hoe de tepel het probleem verraadt
Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool, Antwerpen


"Pleasant speaker to listen to and occasionally uses a touch of humour. I have since been to several of her lectures and each time she managed to keep my attention. I am a fan!"

- Yoika, midwife primary care

"Joke is an engaging speaker, she always integrates recent scientific literature in her lectures combined with extensive experience in practice."

- Elke, vroedvrouw

"Joke's candid approach breaks taboos, creating a valuable learning environment. This midwife's strength lies not only in her extensive knowledge, but also in her ability to enliven the teaching material with a wealth of practical examples."

- Paulien, pharmacist